The Tale of Toph and Katara
The story opens at the location of the gang's house in Ba Sing Se, the whole group busily cleaning themselves up for the day aside from Toph who has yet to wake up. When Katara wakes her, Toph presents herself with her hair a mess and her body covered in dust, considering herself ready. Katara suggests they have a "Girl's Day Out," and takes her to the Fancy Lady Day Spa. Toph agrees, as long as they don't touch her feet. This is a denied request and Toph sends one of the attendants through the wall during a pedicure. The girls then take a mud bath where Toph uses her Earthbending to make creepy faces with the mud and scare away the attendant. The two then relax in a sauna, using their bending to both feed the fire and create the steam.
The girls leave the sauna now with make-up on their faces. Toph comments that while she does not usually do fancy things, it's not something she dislikes. As they cross a bridge, three older girls poke fun of Toph's makeup. Toph is upset by these remarks and Katara tries to urge her to ignore them. Toph, however, laughs back at the girls and then Earthbends the ground from under them sending them into the water below. Katara finishes with her own parting shot by washing the girls downstream.
Katara tries to console Toph as they continue walking on. Toph claims that because she is blind, she does not have to worry so much about personal appearance or the approval of others, the words of the girls still hurt her all the same, and she sheds a few tears. Katara compliments that Toph is not only confident and self-assured, but also pretty. Toph proclaims she would like to return the favor but has no idea what Katara looks like. Katara laughs at this and the story ends with Toph giving her a friendly punch on the arm.
The Tale of Iroh
While strolling through a market, Iroh stops and buys a few things at a street stand. Iroh purchases a picnic basket and when the owner asks, Iroh claims that it is for a special occasion. He then aids the shopkeeper by helping a Moon Flower bloom by moving it closer to the shade. Continuing his walk, he sees a small boy crying and his mother struggling to calm him. Iroh borrows a liuqin from a nearby shop and sings a song to the weeping child. The song tells the tale of a young soldier boy marching home from war. The boy stops crying as Iroh sings to him and he then proceeds to thank Iroh by pulling his beard and laughing.
In a small street alley, Iroh watches some boys play a form of soccer that employs Earthbending. The ball gets repelled of a rock and crashes through a window. He tells them that it is always best to admit your mistakes in order to restore honor. However, the owner appears in the window, massive in size and he retracts his comments and tells them to run. After running down an alley, he is threatened at knife point by a mugger. Unconcerned for his own safety, Iroh tells the mugger that his stance makes him weak to attacks and proves it by knocking him down and stealing his dagger. Iroh corrects the man's stance and comments that he does not look like a criminal. The man admits that he is confused with his life right now and has turned to crime. Iroh and the man share some tea as Iroh suggests that the man would become a good masseur. The man comments that no one has ever believed in him, to which Iroh comments that help from others can be a great blessing. Iroh gave the same wisdom to Toph in the episode "The Chase."
Iroh comes to rest upon a hill with a large tree. He sets up some rocks and pulls out materials from the basket he purchased earlier. The special occasion it was needed for was a memorial for Lu Ten's birthday (the son Iroh lost in the war). Iroh places a cloth out upon the ground along with a picture of Lu Ten. He then lights two incense sticks and places them in a holder. Iron says happy birthday to the image and confesses that he wished he could have helped his own son, as he had helped those along his way. Iroh then starts singing the song he had played earlier for the crying boy, though this time, it is broken up by tears as Iroh mourns Lu Ten's absence.
The Tale of Aang
Flying high over Ba Sing Se, Aang lands at a small zoo looking for Appa, Looking around; he sees a wide variety of animals, all of whom are miserable in their small cages. Many of them are also partially starved and hungry. The Zookeeper tells Aang that the zoo is no longer receiving funding from the Dai Li because it is no longer popular with the children. However in a circle of troubles, nobody comes to the zoo because it does not receive the funding and is quite filthy (one of the cages shows an animal lying near multiple piles of feces). The Keeper would like nothing more than to let his animals run wild in open spaces. Aang suggests moving the animals outside to an open area just outside the city.
The animals prove much more difficult to control than Aang originally thought and they end up running wild over the city, terrorizing the citizenry. Hog-monkies destroy a shop, various animals attack the citizens, and the Cabbage Merchant has his cabbages eaten by a Rabaroo. After trying to restore order, Aang pulls out his Bison whistle and blows a huge burst of air through it using Airbending. He then hops on an air-ball as the animals run after him.
Meanwhile, the Zookeeper frantically tries to get the guards to open the gate. The refuse until they see the oncoming stampede. Once the gates are open, Aang reaches the other side and hops on his air-ball again. Using his Earthbending, he creates a wall around the animals. He continues to Earthbend paths, secluded areas, and habitat accessories. The children and their families come flocking to the new Zoo and the Zookeeper thanks Aang for his help. The Zookeeper tells Aang he should have a job with animals. However, the zoo animals weren't the only creatures that followed the sound of the whistle, as many cats, dogs, and cat-dogs are also inside the animal pens. After that, the Zookeeper decides that Aang should stick to saving people.
The Tale of SokkaIn the peaceful city, Sokka is outside his element of war and battle. His boomerang has become a toy as he walks through the city. Sokka finds a haiku class full of pretty girls. While peeking through the window, enjoying the show, he is shoved from behind by an Ostrich Horse and winds up inside. While explaining the window to the girls he actually rhymes in haiku. The instructor becomes upset with the intrusion and disruption of the class. She is also disgusted with the common place message his haiku presents and presents the rules of haiku to him in a much more formal tone. Sokka soon gets into a contest with the teacher, both of which speak only in haiku. After each of Sokka's, the girls in the class breaks into giggling. After several bouts, with Sokka comically winning each one, he eventually messes up and adds an extra syllable to the final line, causing the class to become silent and hard faced. After counting the syllables, a very large guard throws him out of the class back on to the street. Sokka changed his mind about liking poetry in the end.
The Tale of Zuko
Working at the teahouse, Zuko is worried that a young girl has made him out as being from the Fire Nation. When he tells Iroh about it, Iroh realized that the girl, Jin, simply has a crush on Zuko. This is quickly proven correct when Jin comes to the counter and asks him out after paying. Iroh quickly accepts on his nephew's behalf. They meet after sundown outside the shop.
Zuko leaves the shop, polished in nice clothes and slicked hair that took Iroh ten minutes to fashion. Jin, however, messes it up before they leave. Zuko, not used to something as mundane as a date, is more than a little nervous, and makes a few missteps, but Jin seems to take it in stride. She asks Zuko about his life, which causes Zuko to make up a story that he and Iroh were part of a traveling circus before they came to Ba Sing Se. Jin asks him what he performed as, but she stops him, because she wanted to guess. When Jin guesses "juggling", Zuko flows with it. With encouragement from Jin, Zuko starts and gets himself covered in food claiming a lack of practice as the problem.
Jin pulls Zuko off to one of her favorite parts of the city, the Firelight Fountain. At night, the fountain is usually lit by lanterns in the evening and causes the water to sparkle. But when they get there, the lanterns are all dark and unlit. Sensing her disappointment, Zuko tells Jin to close her eyes. Then, making sure no one else is around to watch, he quietly lights all the lanterns with his Firebending. Jin and Zuko stare into the fountain and Jin reaches out and holds Zuko's hand. Slyly, Jin tries to give Zuko a kiss, but as she tries, Zuko holds up a coupon for a free tea between them and gives it to her. Nonplussed, she tells Zuko to close his eyes so she could present her gift to him. She then kisses him lightly and briefly. Zuko gives her a brief kiss in return, but quickly breaks away and leaves. When Jin asks him why, he simply says that it's complicated and continues to leave.
Back at his apartment, Iroh's query about the night is answered only by a slamming of the doors to Zuko's room. But Zuko opens the door slightly afterwards and tells him it was nice, and then slides the door closed.
The Tale of Momo
Momo dreams about eating fruit from a tree in the clouds with Appa, but wakes up when he is startled by a loud bang of thunder. He leaps into Sokka's bag and comes up with a tuft of white fur on his head. Smelling it, Momo realized that the fur is Appa's. Seeing an Appa-like shadow on the ground, he wraps the fur around his wrist and takes off after it, only to find a lone cloud. A similar sighting only turns out to be a cherry tree.
Disappointed, Momo decides to continue searching the city for Appa. Unfortunately, he soon draws the attention of a trio of Pygmy Pumas, which see him as a potential meal, Momo tries to escape, but the cats work together to try to bring him down. Momo manages to run into a crowd of people, but he is quickly grabbed by a man, fitted with a hat, and set out with a pair of dancing monkeys. The cats chase him out of the crowd and pin him to the ground, but all four of them suddenly find themselves captured.
The four animals are brought to a butcher and the man that captured them begins haggling with the owner. Momo frees himself using his opposable thumb and starts to run off. However, upon seeing the three pumas, he frees them from their cages and all four run off on the rooftops. As they sit on a roof, one of the pumas removes the fur tied to Momo and the three run off down an alley. The cats stop and place the fur in a large three-toed footprint belonging to Appa. Momo does not notice the print as he lands in it. He curls on top of the tuft of fur and falls asleep as rain starts to fall.