Princess Azula is a gifted Firebender and highly favored crown princess of the Fire Nation, initially bent on retrieving her exiled brother, Prince Zuko, and delivering him to their father, Fire Lord Ozai. She is accompanied on her search by her childhood friends, Mai and Ty Lee.
Azula was born to Prince Ozai and Princess Ursa around two years after her brother, Zuko. As such, she is the descendant of both Fire Lord Sozin (from Ozai) and Avatar Roku (from Princess Ursa). She is named for her grandfather, Ozai's father, Fire Lord Azulon. Azula grew up in the riches, splendor, and privileges of being royalty in the Fire Nation. Even when she was only eight years old, Azula expressed her natural talents, along with her tendency for malice and perfectionism. Her sharp wits and the prodigy she displayed towards Firebending gained her much attention and acclaim and made her Ozai's favorite child. Her father began raising her as his true heir early on, taking her into his confidence and grooming her in politics while ignoring Zuko. Azula can now also bend blue fire and lighting (since blue fire is much more deadly than red) From the quality of her ship and soldiers, her favored status was readily apparent.
She had no desire to waste time playing around like a regular girl. She was much more interested in power, suggesting that her father would make a better Fire Lord than the heir apparent, her Uncle Iroh, whom she also dubbed "a quitter and a loser" for abandoning his siege at Ba Sing Se. No love developed between her and Zuko throughout the next few years—when he was burned by their father in an Agni Kai, she watched with a savage triumph.
Book 1: Water
During one of Iroh's flashbacks in "The Storm," Azula can briefly be seen within the audience observing the Agni Kai in which Prince Zuko receives his facial scar from his father. As Iroh narrates, he looks away when his nephew is burned, but at Iroh's side are Admiral Zhao, then a Captain, and a then-unknown girl, both of whom look on eagerly. Online speculation on who she was erupted as soon as the episode aired, and her identity was revealed a month later at the 2005 San Diego Comic Con. Originally set to be at the age of fifteen and entitled "Zula", the character was revealed to be Prince Zuko's younger sister.
Azula makes a full, albeit cameo, appearance at the end of the season one finale, The Siege of the North. She is shown kneeling before her father, Fire Lord Ozai, who, after commenting that Zuko is a failure and Iroh is a traitor, charges her with a mission.
Book 2: Earth
Family Reunion
When Fire Lord Ozai branded Iroh a traitor and her brother Zuko a failure, she obeyed her father's command for her to go and capture them, as seen in the final seconds of the first season finale. Azula attempted to capture the two by luring Zuko with the false promise of being accepted as guests when they would have really been taken in as prisoners. When Zuko learned of the deception, he attacked her, but she easily manages to evade his every blow, taunting him all the way. However, she failed to finish her brother off, as Iroh redirected her lethal lightning attack away from Zuko and into a cliff face, and then kicked her off the edge of the ship.
Counseled by her twin masters Lo and Li that the royal procession was not a wise choice to accompany her on her mission, she decided to abandon the unit, opting to find and recruit her childhood friends. Ty Lee required some "convincing," but Mai was only too willing to leave the boredom of the conquered city of Omashu in favor of going on an exciting hunt—especially if it involved Zuko. While there, Azula renamed Omashu to the city of New Ozai.
A New Target
During this episode, Azula first encountered the Avatar. She and her new allies were almost able to defeat Aang and his friends, but their lack of preparation as well as a trump card delivered by a shrewd King Bumi enabled the three kids to escape. Soon after the battle, she named the Avatar as a personal target in addition to her brother.
In "The Chase," Princess Azula and her two friends relentlessly pursued the Avatar's group, using a Fire Nation tank train and Mongoose Dragons as mounts to pursue them night and day. After wearing down the group, the three decided to split up when Aang tried to lead Azula's group away from Sokka and Katara's trail. Azula sent Ty Lee and Mai to follow Sokka and Katara, while she continued chasing down the Avatar. Azula encountered the Avatar in an abandoned town and prepared to fight but was interrupted by her brother Zuko, who had tracked them and had his own plans for capturing Aang. Azula managed to fend off both of their attacks and land a knockout blow on Zuko and trap Aang beneath some fallen rubble. Katara, Sokka and Toph showed up to rescue Aang, while Iroh arrived to help Zuko. Cornered, she claimed to surrender, saying that "a princess surrenders with honor". But Azula took advantage of Iroh's momentary distraction and seriously wounded him with a bolt of blue fire, then disappeared as the four benders attacked with their respective elements.
Azula was not seen again until "The Drill" where she, along with her allies Mai and Ty Lee, were overseeing War Minister Qin's efforts to use a giant drill to break through the outer wall of Ba Sing Se. When the engineers reported an accident involving an ambushed engineer, stolen drill schematics, and further sabotage, Azula recognized that it was the work of the Avatar. She found Aang, Katara, and Sokka attempting to break the engine's braces. Aang and his gang fled. She sent Mai and Ty Lee after Katara and Sokka while Azula followed Aang. She caught Aang trying to bore a hole at the top of the drill, and they engaged in a brutal match. Her Firebending nearly overwhelmed the young Avatar, after both were knocked off the drill by a blast of slurry, Azula was only able to climb too late as Aang's impact on an earthen wedge destroyed the drill and knocked Azula away.
Fall of Ba Sing Se
Azula, Mai and Ty Lee are seen again in "Appa's Lost Days," tracking down Aang's bison, Appa, not realizing he had been separated from Aang and his friends. He was in a forest clearing being tended to by the Kyoshi Warriors, a band of elite female warriors. Azula and her friends initiated a battle with the warriors, and to protect Appa, the Kyoshi Warriors drive Appa away to escape while they distracted Azula Mai and Ty Lee. The result of the battle remains unseen, but it is apparent that the Kyoshi Warriors did not claim victory, at the conclusion of "The Earth King," the three girls are seen in stolen Kyoshi outfits and makeup, impersonating the warriors.
The Earth King, believing the girls to be Kyoshi warriors, reveals to them the treachery of the Dai Li led by Long Feng and Sokka's plan to invade the Fire Nation on the day of a solar eclipse. Additionally, by speaking of the Dai Li, the Earth King hands her an vital tool for enacting a plan to take down his city from the inside. Feigning ignorance of spying Dai Li agents, Azula and her friends plant knowledge of their affiliation with the Fire Nation and were taken to the imprisoned Long Feng as they are still loyal to him. He gave her control of the Dai Li to overthrow the government in exchange for the Avatar.
Upon discovering that Zuko and Iroh were in the city, Katara quickly approached Azula, believing her to be Suki, with the news. She realizes too late who they truly are and is swiftly dispatched by Ty Lee. Azula locked Katara in the crystal catacombs beneath the city and sent a letter to Iroh and Zuko, telling them that the Earth King wished for them to serve him tea. The pair soon fell into her trap, and were surrounded by Dai Li agents. Iroh managed to escape the palace but Zuko chose to stay and face Azula. He was quickly overwhelmed by the Dai Li and imprisoned in the same dungeon as Katara.
Azula then proceeded to unleash her coup on the city, having the Dai Li arrest the Council of Five, the Earth King's highest ranking generals, while she captured the Earth King. Sokka and Toph were arrested as well while attempting to warn the Earth King of the danger, and Azula sent them off to a metal prison cell, but the group managed to escape since Toph knew how to Metalbend out of the prison but the Earth King said that he was not going to leave without his pet bear Bosco. Entering back to the Earth King's throne, they first attack Ty Lee but she got stuck after Toph Earthbended her, but Mai didn't want to fight and told "just take the bear" since it was belonged to the Earth King. Before Toph, Sokka, and the Earth King escaped from the metal prison, Long Feng arrived with the Dai Li agents and commanded the Dai Li to arrest Azula, proclaiming a double cross. Azula explained that the Dai Li no longer knew whom to follow. She denounced him for his lack of divine right to rule. She then commanded Long Feng to bow to her. He grudgingly obliged, saying that she had beaten him at his own game. She scathingly replied that he was "never even a player."
Later on, Azula chased Aang and Katara in the crystal catacombs and engaged in battle. She was joined by Zuko, who chose to fight alongside Azula and the two overwhelmed Aang and Katara separately. Aang cleared all of his chakras and induced an avatar state. While in the Avatar State, Azula struck him from behind with lightning (during the Avatar State). Katara gathered Aang (after the lighting strike) in her arms and managed and escape with the help of Iroh who defended and attacked both the Dai Li, Zuko, and Azula. Afterwards, Iroh was promptly arrested by Dai Li, and Azula was left in control of Ba Sing Se.
Book 3: Fire
Returning Home
In "Going Home Again," a canonical interlude comic featured within the second All-Avatar Nick Mag Presents edition, Azula is shown making arrangements for their return to Fire Nation. One of which is passing her position as ruler of Ba Sing Se over to Joo Dee, whom she views as the perfect person to govern in her stead, dubbing the former tour guide Supreme Bureaucratic Administrator. Azula refuses to take no for an answer when Zuko chooses to remain in Ba Sing Se. Gathering Ty Lee, the princess schemes to use Mai and Zuko's mutual childhood crushes to entice her brother's decision. With the false report of a meeting with a Admiral Liang, she sets the two up on a Fire Nation dinner date, with Dai Li agents serving as waiters. However, Zuko overhears Azula and Ty Lee giggling in the nearby bushes. The princess attempts to catch herself, claiming that she was just telling Ty Lee to stop messing around in the bushes. Neither Zuko nor Mai buys into the tale and leave off on a private walk around Ba Sing Se.
The following day, while boarding the ships, Azula looks on at Zuko and Mai speaking affectionately with one another and concludes that her plan seems to have been successful after all. She turns to her chained uncle and wonders aloud if the prisoner will even survive the trip home. As she bids her brother farewell, Zuko suddenly makes the resolve to come with them back to the Fire Nation.
Upon returning home, Azula and Zuko are welcomed with open arms by the people with a rally held in their honor to praise their successful efforts at the Earth Kingdom capital. Later Azula and Zuko converse about Zuko's long-awaited meeting with their father. When Zuko meets his father, it is revealed that Azula misinformed Ozai that he was the one who killed the Avatar. When confronted, Azula claims that she saw how worried Zuko was about not having the Avatar and decided to give him credit for his demise out of a generous gesture to repay his aid in the takeover of Ba Sing Se. Zuko, in disbelief accuses her of having an ulterior motive. Azula points out how letting him have all the glory over slaying the Avatar could do little to benefit her, but acknowledges the fact that should it be discovered that the Avatar was indeed alive, all that glory would swiftly turn into shame and foolishness.
Later on, after interrupting a picnic between him and Mai, Azula easily manages to trick Zuko into admitting that he had been making visits to Iroh's cell. Azula seemingly expresses concern for her brother, warning him that if others were to discover that he and Iroh were meeting, it would be assumed that they were plotting together.

In "The Beach," Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko travel to Ember Island for a vacation while the Fire Lord privately confers with his advisors. Azula takes advantage of this opportunity to experience life as a normal person, choosing to keep her and Zuko's identity a secret. At a party the group attended, Azula confides in Ty Lee that she is jealous of how popular Ty Lee is with boys. She takes advice that Ty Lee gives her on attracting attention, but quickly reverts to her usual persona, scaring away possible suitors. Later, Azula plays the role of interpreter as Ty Lee, Mai and Zuko take turns telling stories of their personal inner turmoil. When her turn comes, Azula states she doesn't have a sob story. But does softly admit that she was aware that her mother loved Zuko more and thought she was a monster, but callously adds that her mother was right. As a testament of their special day, Azula leads the others into trashing the host's home.
The Day of Black Sun
A few minutes after the beginning of the solar eclipse, as Aang, Toph, and Sokka manage to locate and burst into the Fire Lord's underground bunker, they are confounded to instead find Azula. She reveals that she's known about the invasion for months (she found this out when the Earth King told them, believing them to be The Warriors of Kyoshi) and is fully prepared to face and delay the attackers. Azula has two Dai Li agents she brought back from Ba Sing Se attack the trio while she runs away, closely pursued by Aang, Sokka and Toph. Once the agents have been defeated and Azula is cornered, Sokka realizes that she's merely wasting their time and that they should just forget her in favor of searching for Ozai. As they start to leave, Azula mentions Suki to Sokka, stating that she gave up hope on him ever rescuing her from her imprisonment. This revelation promptly makes Sokka charge at her in blind rage. Azula pulls out a shuriken, but Toph senses it and pins her to the wall. Sokka furiously demands to know where Suki is while Azula simply remains silent. When the eclipse ends, Azula breaks her restraints and coyly informs the trio of Ozai's precise location before running down the hall. As the invasion draws to a close, the princess is shown observing the Avatar and his friends escape aboard Appa from her airship. However, she chooses not give pursuit, knowing that sooner or later, they'll be back. During Azula's confrontation with the group, Zuko confronts his father, Ozai, and tells him that Azula lied to him by saying that Zuko killed the Avatar, when in reality Azula struck down the Avatar and managed to survive in the end. In addition to this, Azula did not attempt to kill the Avatar when he and his friends attacked the capital. What Ozai did or plans on doing to his daughter remains to be seen.