Aang and the group are lying down watching a meteor shower. Everyone is impressed but Toph does not really think it is so cool because she can’t see it. Suddenly one of the meteors changes course and heads toward the ground. Sokka tells Toph that this is something that even she would be amazed by. The meteor passes over their heads by only a few meters. It then veers down and hits the ground several miles away.
They fly over on Appa, and see a growing fire surrounding the meteor. Seeing there is a town nearby, Aang, Katara and Toph use their bending to smother the fire. Sokka wants to help but since he can’t bend, Aang tells him to watch Momo. Katara takes water from a creek and puts it over the fire and Toph and Aang cover it with earth. Sokka can only watch. Aang tells Sokka to watch it and he sends a wave of water that turns to snow which buries Sokka.
In the Fire Nation prison, the door to Iroh’s prison is opened. The guard drops a bowl of food and Iroh crawls forward and starts eating it off the floor. The guard is disgusted and says Iroh is a disgrace. As soon as the guard has left, Iroh sits back and eats properly.
In the town, Aang comments on how no one knows how close they came to being burned by the fire. Toph wishes that they could be heroes but they know they cannot draw attention. Sokka scoffs at Toph saying “Ooh, poor heroes.” Katara asks what is wrong and Sokka admits that he feels like he is not able to do anything for the group since he can’t bend. The others try to cheer him up, but he is just down about it. Katara says they don’t think of him as useless and she thinks of something to make him happy.
They go shopping and Sokka gets a smile. He thinks maybe he can get a new weapon but he has trouble with all of the ones he looks at. Aang, meanwhile, surprises Katara when he appears before her in full armour. Finally, Sokka turns and sees a magnificent sword hanging on the wall. When he examines it, the shop owner says that it was made by Pi En Dow, the greatest sword master and sword maker in Fire Nation history.
Aang suddenly realizes that Sokka needs a master because all of them had one and so Sokka deserves one. Katara agrees that it is a good idea while Sokka thinks it over. Finally Sokka agrees. In the Fire Nation prison, Iroh opens his eyes and starts doing sit-ups.
Sokka walks up to the doors of the master and knocks. He has to knock many times before the door is opened. He says he wants to train with the master and the man tells him that Pi En Dow turns almost everyone away. Sokka goes in with the man to see Pi En Dow who is painting. Sokka introduces himself and asks to be trained. Pi En Dow asks him if he is the type who is good so they think that they deserve to train with a master. Sokka kneels and says that he knows he has a lot to learn. Sokka also says that he does not know if he is worthy. Pi En Dow smiles then goes up to Sokka and agrees to train him.
Later on, Pi En Dow tells Sokka that he must think of his sword as an extension of his body. Meanwhile, Aang and the others are lying down bored without Sokka. In the Fire Nation prison, Iroh also trains his body in secret.
Sokka is told by his master that he must practice arts to keep his mind sharp. He is told to write his name but he gets nervous and ends up painting his face and rubbing it on the paper. In a practice match later on, Sokka is quickly defeated by Pi En Dow’s attendant.
Next he is taken blindfolded to a clearing that overlooks a beautiful waterfall. He is given one short look at it then told to paint it without looking. When he finishes he has drawn a simple landscape and added a rainbow. Pi En Dow sighs. In his next practice battle, he does better but is still defeated.
At a rock garden, Pi En Dow tells Sokka that he needs to manipulate his surroundings to his own advantage. Sokka moves a rock and puts a blanket of grass on it. When the attendant sees him lying down he is shocked. Sokka asks for a drink and Pi En Dow asks for a lemon in his.
At the Fire Nation prison, Iroh continues to act like he has gone crazy while exercising. The guard looks on in on him and sees him with a vacant look clapping his hands. The guard mutters to himself and walks away and Iroh smiles. Aang and the others are still having trouble and they miss Sokka.
Pi En Dow congratulates him on his first day and tells him it is time for him to have a real sword. Sokka is told that he will make his own. The next day, Sokka is given different metals and told to choose one for his sword. Sokka looks at them all, then asks to leave and get a special material for his sword. Pi En Dow allows it.
Lying down, Toph suddenly tells the group that Sokka is coming. He arrives and the others hug him. He tells them he needs their help and they walk over to the crash site of the meteorite. With their help, Sokka is able to get the large rock back to the castle. Pi En Dow answers the door and Sokka presents the rock. Pi En Dow says they will make a sword unlike any other.
Over the next while, with Pi En Dow’s guidance, Sokka works on melting down the rock for his sword. Pi En Dow watches Sokka’s hard work looking pleased. Finally the blade is finished. Pi En Dow congratulates Sokka on his hard work and says that he was not impressed by Sokka’s skills but instead by his creativity and intelligence. Pi En Dow then says that Sokka is indeed worthy.
Sokka apologizes and says that he is not worthy. He reveals that he is from the Southern Water Tribe and says sorry. Pi En Dow also says sorry then turns and swings his sword at Sokka. Sokka avoids it and blocks with his own sword. Aang and the others prepare to help but Sokka tells them that it is his battle.
At the prison, the guard walks in and says that Iroh used to be the pride of the Fire Nation and tells him to look at what he has become. Iroh grabs a piece of food through the bars and watches as the guard leaves. He then takes off his robe and reveals his new fit body. As he eats he exercises more.
Sokka and Pi En Dow begin their battle while the others watch. Sokka is hard pressed but he is able to avoid all of Pi En Dow’s slashes. As they fight, Pi En Dow compliments him on his agility and his using of the battlefield to his advantage. As the battle rages on, they go through a forest and Sokka tries to slow Pi En Dow down.
They exit the forest and Sokka narrowly avoids an attack. He then is able to blind Pi En Dow by flicking dust into his eyes. Sokka tries to sneak away but he steps on a twig and Pi En Dow is able to knock Sokka's sword away. After the next attack, Sokka is knocked onto his back.
Seeing him in trouble Aang and the others rush forward. Before they can do anything however, Pi En Dow congratulates Sokka and sheathes his sword. He then comments that he is too old to fight the Avatar. Aang wonders how he knew but Pi En Dow says he picks things up. The attendant gives him a cloth to wipe his face and Pi En Dow says he knew all along that Sokka was Water Tribe from his name.
When asked why he still agreed to train Sokka, Pi En Dow explains that learning the ways of the sword is not something unique to any nation. It is for everyone. Pi En Dow tells Sokka to keep training so that he may become and even greater sword master than he is. He then tells Sokka that next time he should say his name is Lee as there are thousands of Lees. They bow and Sokka leaves with the others.
On their way out, the attendant gives Sokka a small bag telling him that Pi En Dow wanted Sokka to have it to remember him by. Sokka opens it and pulls out a White Lotus tile. He turns and sees the same emblem on the doors of the castle. Sokka then remembers something and gives Toph a piece of the meteorite calling it space earth because he thought she would like it. As they walk away, Katara and Sokka immediately start arguing and Katara comments that she can’t believe she missed him.
Sokka and his master sparred at the end. Sokka battling the best he can. But at the end the master won. His sword at Sokka's neck. Aang, Katara and Toph went to go help Sokka. Then He put his sword aside. Sokka and them confused. As Sokka, Aang,Katara and Toph was leaving, The butler came out to give Sokka a rare coin. As they left to there next rest stop.