Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph have landed in a clearing where they begin to unpack. Toph comments on their superb campsite finding abilities as she fells the "soft grass." But Sokka corrects her that it's not grass but Appa's shed fur. This comment is not received well by Katara who believes it gross. Katara vocalizes her happiness of having another girl in the group because of the boys' immaturity. But, those hopes are shattered as Toph walks up and she like Aang and Sokka is playing in the fur. Aang and Sokka laugh, and Katara has no choice but to giggle too.
Night has fallen as he group sets up camp. Aang pitches a tent, while Sokka's unraveling sleeping bags, Katara as filling a pot with water, and Toph is lounged lazily against a rock. Katara comes over and begins to explain the group's normal system of setting up camp: they divide up the work, for example while someone pitches a tent someone else might get food or water. Toph doesn't take the hint and tells her she's already collected her food and water. Katara gets slightly frustrated and tries re-explaining the system but Toph becomes aggravated and snaps at her. Katara storms of.
Later that night, Aang and Sokka are setting up the last of camp as they de-saddle Appa. Katara comes over to apologize to Toph. Toph again agitates Katara by turning the apology around on her. Now even later that night, Toph is silently sleeping in her Earth made tent when she is awakened by a vibration in the earth. She rushes to tell the others. She tries to see if she can identify it, she says "It feels like an avalanche, but also not like an avalanche." Sokka congratulates her on her "frightening" powers of perception. They decide leaving the campsite is the best choice.
Of in the distance the get a slight glimpse of what’s following them: a large, tank-like war machine is moving fast across the desert terrain. After hours of flying the group's exhaustion plays out on their faces as they each have dark circles under their eyes showing from their lack of sleep. Finally they settle on a spot. Toph makes her way over to where she plans to sleep but Katara again asks her to help and Toph declines. Katara is again displeased by this and decides enough is enough and confronts Toph about her lack of help to them.
Toph argues back before "slamming the door" in Katara's face as she Earthbends a tent and Earthbends the door right in front of Katara. Aang decides to play peacemaker and asks them both to calm down. But, Katara's on surface emotions due to lack of sleep cause her to snap at Aang. Later, Aang and Sokka are seemingly fast asleep as Katara stares angrily at the night sky. She loudly comments on how beautiful the stars are and how Toph won't be able to see them in her tent. In response, Toph earthbends Katara airborne, a few feet before she lands on Sokka.
Sokka's also on surface emotions cause him to snap from being woken-up. But there's little time to argue as Toph informs them the machine is back. The again fly away on Appa. While in the air they debate about the machine and how it continuously finds them. Finally finding a spot that as seemingly lost the machine the groups decides to not even set up camp but to sleep. They again debate for a minute on how or what the thing is. Katara brings up the possibility that it's Zuko, given they haven't seen him since they were up north. Unaware of whom Zuko is Toph inquires about him. Sokka answers that he's "just some anger freak with a ponytail who’s tracked us all over the world."
But, their debate is cut short as Momo senses the machines approach as does Toph. They see the machine moving forward in the distance as it kicks up dirt behind it. Aang believes they should face them and find out who they are. The tank comes to a halt and the door opens. Three large basilisk lizards emerge from it. Their riders and the cause of all the tension between everyone in the gang are revealed to be Ty Lee, Mai, and Azula.
Toph believes they can take them as she calculates the odds: three on three. But, Sokka corrects her telling her their's actually four of them. After a small argument Toph recalculates: three on three plus Sokka. Sokka is infuriated but he's no time to argue as Azula's group draws closer. Toph sends the first strike as she Earthbends boulders down at them but their lizards easily climb over them.
They decide it's safer if they left so Aang, Katara, and Sokka head back for Appa. Toph tries to buy them some time by creating a large rock wall separating Azula from them. It seems to work until Azula sends a bolt of lighting at it blowing a huge hole into the wall. The gang barely escapes as Azula sends one more jet of electricity at them as they fly off. She stares after them, failure is not an option.
Meanwhile Appa too is tired and is rapidly closing and opening his eyes, trying desperately to stay awake. Again they debate on what to do and Katara reveals her fear of Ty Lee taking her bending away again. To Sokka's horror the sun rises over a mountain in the distance signaling they've been up all night. They decide to keep flying for as long as possible, but Aang warns them that they can't keep flying forever.
As the sun rises Azula's machine is racing to catch up with the gang. But, they're not alone; Zuko follows the machines tracks not far behind. Appa, meanwhile, is having even more difficulty staying awake and finally gives in and falls asleep. This sends Appa and the gang plummeting towards the ground. Aang tries desperately to wake him as they continue to race towards the ground. Finally Appa awakens and stops just above the trees but is unable to keep airborne and they crash land in the woods. Aang states the obvious: "Appa's exhausted."
More high tension causes another fight to break out between Katara and Toph but this time Aang joins in when Toph blames Appa for their predicament: his sheddings are leaving a perfect trail for Azula and her gang. Toph, out of aggravation, decides to leave, as Azula's machine picks up speed upon seeing the fur flying through the air proving Toph was right. Aang is furious with himself for yelling at his Earthbending teacher and Katara too is disgusted with herself because of her actions. Sokka is of little comfort as he agrees that they "were jerks."
They decide to find Toph and apologize but to first wash Appa. Now clean and shedded fur-less Appa is deemed ready to fly by Aang as long as they leave his saddle and everything else off. Aang decides to give Azula the slip and take what's left of the shedded fur and lead the tank of course. Appa flies off in one direction (hitting trees on take-off) and Aang in another.
Toph has now walked for sometime and gained much distance. She stops suddenly upon feeling a vibration. She hits the ground knocking the unknown pert off his feet. But he's revealed to by Iroh. Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee have reached the spot of Appa's bath and found the wet fur deposited into the stream. Ty Lee debates with herself as to whether the "wads" are "bundles" or "bushels" of fur. Mai helps her along deeming them "clumps." Ty Lee excitedly hugs Mai before she can contradict the action. She pushes Ty Lee off and tells Azula the trail heads off in a direction to the right. But, Azula notices the broken trees from Appa's shaky take-off and is suspicious of Aang's plan to divert them. She tells Mai and Ty Lee to head in the direction of the broken trees and she'll follow the fur trail.
Aang, exhausted and low on momentum, lands in a small abandoned Earth Kingdom town. He slumps on to the end of the town, there he dumps the remains of what fur is left and sits there, waiting for Azula. Back on Appa, Momo lets out a screech signaling the return of Mai and Ty Lee. Katara desperately tries to get Appa to move faster but to no avail. He shoots like a stone being skipped across the river to where Sokka and Katara believe they're safe. But their hopes are shattered as the basilisks reveal their most astonishing ability: they're able to run on water.
Ty Lee heads for Katara. Once there she begins darting her hands to pressure points but Katara's smarter this time and dodges more easily. After a small battle Katara ends up pinned to a tree by the hem of her sleeves and Sokka's almost completely paralyzed by Ty Lee's strikes. But, Appa proves to be a saving grace as he smacks his tail to the ground shooting Mai and Ty Lee in the river.
Back in the town, Azula has reached the end of the trail where Aang is waiting for her. She dismounts her lizard. Aang, tired and sleep deprived, tries to seek diplomacy and asks who Azula is and what she wants. She's surprised he hasn't guessed yet so she gives him a hint: she covers the left side of her face with her hand and deepens her voice to somewhat match Zuko's and says "I must find the Avatar to restore my honor." Aang doesn't respond.
Toph and Iroh are sharing a cup of tea on cliff over-looking a farming village. Iroh finds similarities between Toph and his nephew. Toph asks where his nephew is and if he's lost. Iroh responds that he's "a little lost," he tells her his life has recently changed and now he's trying to find who he is. He also advises her not to contradict when people that love you try to help you. She takes this into consideration and heads off to find the gang.
Azula and Aang stand facing each other at a stand off. She asks Aang if he really wants to fight her, right on cue Zuko busts through an old building and lands between the two. It's a three way stand off as Zuko holds his position between Aang and Azula keeping his battle stance poised at both of them. Azula fires the first shot, hitting Zuko hard and knocking him back.
All three exchange blows until the duel is joined by Katara, Sokka, Iroh, and Toph. The six of them (Katara, Aang, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Iroh) create a perfect perimeter in front of Azula and back her in a corner. She surrenders, and for one brief second Iroh lets his guard down and turns to see his comrades. Azula takes advantage of this and fires a jet of electricity at him. Zuko lets out a horrified cry and all four benders unleash their power against her. After a large explosion Azula disappears.
Zuko rushes to his uncle's side. Zuko presumes him dead as he's laying there not moving, and let’s out another angered cry. He senses the others behind him and orders them to leave. Katara comes forward and offers to help but before she can explain how Zuko's frustration causes him to let out a violent burst of fire and he orders them to leave again. Later that night the gang finally finds peace as they are fast asleep.