The episode starts with Momo getting caught in a trap while in the trap Aang and co find him and free him they also free the others animals trapped. Before they go on Appa’s back Sokka says that they shouldn’t fly because Appa is too noticeable and that they should walk.
They walk and walk straight into fire nation camp as soon as they were about to be attacked then a group of kids help and beat the fire nation soldiers. Their leader is a boy named Jet and he instructs his gang to take the fire nation stuff. Jet takes Katara, Aang and Sokka to his hide out.
Jet explains his gang's history with the fire nation. Most of them were orphaned because the war killed their parents, including himself, while some were merely lost kids seeking shelter. They hold a little celebration in honor of their skirmish victory. Sokka says that they are leaving but he is persuaded to stay with them by Jet who says he needs him for a special mission.
In the mission they see an old man and Jet attacks him but Sokka mediated, trying to explain that the old man was harmless despite the fact he is from the fire nation. Back to Aang and he is playing around when Sokka comes and tells them what happened. They go to see Jet and he admits it but he says the old man was a spy that was going to attack him. He brings out a knife with a hidden compartment in it containing poison.
It’s night time and everyone is sleeping and Jet and his gang leave followed by Sokka. Jet reveals his plan about killing all the towns’ people and Sokka is caught. Jet tells to of the gang to take Sokka for a walk. Its now day time and Aang and Katara are following Jet. He asks them to bring up the water from under ground to fill the dam.
After they finish they go of to find Jet, while they are doing that Sokka traps the two boys with him. They are on the top of the hill and see the dam and Aang realizes Jets plans and tries to fly down to stop him but jet takes his staff. They fight and in the end Katara helps by freezing him. Jet gives the signal, they are too late the dam is destroyed and wiped out by the water.
Sokka flies to them on the back of Appa and tells them that he saved the villagers he and company leave without freeing Jet. Sokka and company are then flying in the sky and episode ends.