The episode starts with Aang, Sokka and Katara flying on the back of Appa. Aang wants to know what the cloud is made of so he jumps down into the cloud and back onto Appa’s back. They land and Aang is upset because of the damage to the country they’re in done by the fire nation. Prince Zuko is talking to his uncle Iroh about his troubles, then it’s to Katara talking to Aang and an old man comes and takes Aang to his town. Aang is told that there is trouble with the normal world and spirit world and that a spirit comes at night and takes one of their villagers.
Iroh is in a hot spring and is taken prisoner by earth benders. Its night time and Aang is walking around looking for the spirit. He turns round to face the building and Aang walks back then the spirit appears behind him. It’s destroying the town and it takes Sokka and runs away Aang goes off and follows it.
Prince Zuko finds out that his uncle has been taken then it’s to Aang and he’s still following the spirit and Sokka and then they disappear with Aang only able to lay a hand on it. The earth benders are on horse back with Iroh.
Katara is upset as her brother is gone Zuko is still searching for his uncle. Aang tries to talk to Katara but she can’t see or hear him. Aang sees a spirit dragon and its heading towards him and he can’t use his powers. Aang talks the spirit and as a vision of the past avatar and flies on the back of it.
Uncle Iroh sees them fly above him and then he escapes. Aang lands on an island with a temple with a statue of the past Avatar. He has another vision of a meteor then it’s to the uncle and he is caught. Katara is flying on the back of Appa and is seen by prince Zuko.
The dragon takes Aang back to his body, while the earth benders are going to crush Iroh’s hands and stopped by Zuko who chose to save his uncle instead of going after Katara. They fight back to back and beat the earth bender soldiers. Aang is waiting for the spirit and reveals that it’s the spirit of the forest a giant panda. The people come back. Aang then says he needs to go to the island.