The episode opens with what looks likes a hawk approaching a Fire Nation fortress. Archers are practicing very advanced skill levels. Commander Zhao and Colonel Shinu are observing the training. Colonel Shinu denies Zhao’s request to use the (now identified) Yu Yan archers in Zhao’s quest to retrieve the Avatar calling it a vanity project for Zhao rather than part of the real war. However, just then the hawk arrives with the news from Fire Lord Ozai that Zhao has been promoted to Admiral. He then informs Colonel Shinu that his request to use the Yu Yan archers to go find the Avatar. Shinu then bows in agreement. The scene then zooms on the roof above Zhao and Shinu showing a figure in dark clothes and blue mask.
The episode then switches to the ruins of a mountainous region (presumably in the Earth Kingdom) where Katara is caring for an obviously ill and delusional Sokka. According to Katara, this illness has resulted from his exposure to the storm in the previous episode. Aang comes in returning from looking for ginger root (with no luck) but returns with a map to an herbalist institute on a nearby mountain. Katara states that Sokka is not in any condition to go there declaring that all Sokka needs is some rest and then she begins to cough herself. Despite Katara’s protests that she is fine, Aang realizes she too will be as delusional as Sokka in a few hours and decides he must travel to the herbalist. However, there is lightning (possibly remnants of the huge storm in the previous episode) and Aang decides to go by foot and not use his glider and begins running very fast with the aide of his airbending.
Meanwhile, Lt. Jee is going over the map with Prince Zuko to make plans to continue the search for the Avatar. Suddenly, the ship is overshadowed by a large Fire Nation Naval ship, spurring Zuko to wonder what they want. It is not for a game of Pai Sho as Uncle Iroh speculated, but to inform Prince Zuko and his crew that all information regarding the Avatar is to be reported to Admiral Zhao (revealing the recent promotion of Zhao to all present crew members). Zuko informs the Fire Nation soldier he has no information to give to Zhao and commands them to get off his ship and let them pass. Zuko and his crew are then informed that Zhao is not allowing passage in or out of the area. Again, the soldiers are told to get off the ship by Zuko. Iroh, seemingly indifferent to the conversation, declares he has won the pot, but encourages his opponents in an effort to get them to play again (theoretically so he can beat them again).
Fire Nation lookouts are hiding in something similar to a duck blind reading the wanted poster for the Avatar. One soldier doubts the validity of some of the claims as Fire Lord propaganda, but as Aang speeds by, the soldier realizes the claims are true and blows a signal horn to spread the news of the sighting of the Avatar.
Katara enlists Momo’s help to get water, but as the scene shifts to Momo’s perspective the viewer is led to believe that Momo just hears random sounds and really does not know what Katara is saying. Nevertheless, Momo departs with the waterskin.
Aang finally reached the herbalist and tries to relay his problem, but the herbalist is distracted by telling stories as she gathers ingredients. Aang tries to be patient, but it is difficult for him.
At this time Iroh is asking Zuko if he is alright as Zuko has not given the crew an order in over an hour. Zuko declares that he doesn’t care what they do. Iroh tries to build up Zuko’s confidence by saying Zuko can still capture the Avatar before Zhao, but Zuko seriously questions how as Zhao has much greater resources. Zuko then voices despair at the idea that he may need to face losing his honor, throne and country.
When the herbalist finds the final ingredient, Aang grabs the bowl and says Thanks, but the herbalist swats him and grabs the bowl back asking him what he thinks he’s doing. Aang says he’s taking the medicine and the herbalist explains the mixture is not a cure but her cat Miyuki’s dinner. She then explains to Aang that all his friends need to do is suck on some frozen wood frogs from the swamp below. The skin has medicinal properties, but only when the frogs are frozen.
As Aang departs for the swamp below, two arrows pin the cuffs of his boots to the ground. He then deflects several other arrows with airbending and then begins to free himself. Once free, a chase begins between the Yu Yan archers and Aang. Aang manages to evade the Yu Yan down the side of the mountain and through the forest, but in the swamp, when he is distracted with gathering the frozen frogs, Aang is finally captured by the Yu Yan.
Once captured, Aang is brought back to the Fire Nation fortress shown at the beginning of the episode and his arms and legs are secured to two posts. Zhao comes in (meeting Aang for the first time face-to-face – in their previous encounter in the episode Avatar Roku, Roku was inhabiting Aang’s body as Zhao was attacking) and taunts Aang by reminding him he is the only airbender left, but that unlike his people, Aang will not be killed as it is not in the Fire Nation’s best interest to have to search for the Avatar again once reborn. In a rare instance, Aang’s anger and frustration cause Aang to use airbending in an aggressive rather than defensive act as he forcefully blows Zhao to a wall. Zhao then attempts to further break Aang down by telling him there is no escape and no one will rescue him.
At this time, Momo has returned to the still very ill Sokka and Katara, but not with the filled waterskin, but a dead mouse. Momo departs again. Katara wonders what is taking Aang so long.
Outside the Fire Nation fortress, the same masked figure from the opening scene waits. He then uses a supply cart to sneak into the fortress by hanging underneath and then inside the cart as the guards inspect it. Zhao then addresses the troops and informs them he has captured the Fire Nation’s last obstacle to victory – the Avatar. He foresees the Fire Nation will take the Earth Kingdom city of Ba Sing Se within the year with the strength of Sozin’s Comet.
The frozen frogs Aang gathered begin to thaw out. The masked figure works his way to Aang’s location and manages to subdue the guards and free Aang – much to Aang’s surprise. While trying to gather the runaway frogs, Aang is pulled away by the masked stranger who does not talk to Aang.
Back with Katara and Sokka, Momo had brought many items from fans, to pottery and jewelry, even a tiara on Katara’s head but no water. Katara pleads for Aang’s swift return. Sokka still has delusions and refers to Katara as your highness.
The masked stranger and Aang sneak out via what appears to be the sewer or drainage system of the fortress. On his was to see Aang in his prison cell, Zhao is dictating to his assistant how he wishes his speech and testimonies from high ranking officer to be sent to the Fire Lord. Zhao then discovers the bound guards and empty cell (with the exception of one frog). An alarm is set off and the attempt by Aang and the masked figure to scale the wall is thwarted when the rope they were using is cut by a guard.
Aang breaks the fall with airbending. The masked figure points to the open gates and they make a run for them. Zhao orders the gates to be closed. Aang uses airbending to clear away several guards blocking the exit, however the masked figure can not move as fast as Aang and gets caught battling with guards that have caught up with them. Aang stops to see this and one guard almost gets him with a spear, but Aang blows him away, breaks off the spearhead and uses the stick and airbending to clear of the guards attacking the masked figure as well as to throw the masked figure up onto the first of the fortress walls.
Aang uses the stick from the spear in a helicopter fashion and lifts the masked figure from one fortress wall to the second wall as the masked figure fends off attacks with his broadswords. More guards come up to attack the duo on the second wall. One pushes off the stick Aang had used previously. The masked figure throws one guard over the wall and Aang airbends the rest away. More troops use bamboo ladders to scale the wall, but again Aang blows them off. He then takes the ladders and calls to the masked figure to get on his back and they use the three ladders like stilts to go from one wall to the third and final wall. However, a firebending soldier manages to light the last ladder on fire forcing Aang and the masked figure to jump to the next wall. Their grip does not hold and both fall to the ground just in front of the main gate.
As firebenders come to attack the duo, Aang pulls the masked figure behind him and blocks the attack with airbending. Zhao tells the men to stop, for the Avatar needs to be captured alive. Suddenly the masked figure puts his broadswords to Aang’s neck and a standoff begins. Zhao orders the gate to be opened and they let the pair out as the masked figure takes Aang with his swords still around Aang’s neck. Zhao then has a Yu Yan archer knock out the masked figure with a single shot.
After the masked figure falls to the ground, Aang sees a small part of the face below and creates a dust cloud as cover while Aang removes the mask to reveal – ZUKO! At first Aang is shocked and afraid and begins to run and then stops to look back at Zuko. As the dust clears and the guards approach the area we see no one is there, which angers Zhao.
Zuko regains consciousness and Aang tells him of a story about his friend from 100 years ago named Kuzon from the Fire Nation and wonders if he had known Zuko back then if they would be friends. Zuko responds by attacking Aang with a fire blast, which Aang easily avoids and then leaves Zuko hopping from tree to tree. While Zuko looking.
Aang goes back to the swamp to collect frozen frogs as Zuko heads back to his ship. Uncle Iroh asks Zuko where he’s been and Zuko just replies that he is going to bed. Aang returns to his friends and puts the frogs into their mouths and then plops down on Appa’s tail to rest. Sokka asks Aang if he made any new friends to which Aang says he doesn’t think he did and turns on his side. At the same time Zuko looks at the Fire Nation flag and also turns away to his side. Sokka and Katara begin to feel better but are shocked as they realize they are sucking on frogs and quickly spit them out.