The episode starts with Zuko’s ship sailing and he is meditating his uncle Iroh and he tells the prince not to get angry. Zuko says he can control his temper and Iroh says he doesn’t know where the avatar is and prince Zuko gets really angry. Aang and Co. are flying on the back of Appa. Katara is sewing Sokka’s trousers. Aang is trying to get her attention but because she’s busy. Sokka makes chauvinistic comment and she throws his trousers back at him.
They land and Aang wants to show Katara his moves by riding on an Elephant Koi and he is almost attacked by a Unagi eel, but he fortunately ran away. After he dresses up they are attacked by a group of people. They are then tired to a big pole and they take off the cloth covering Aang and co eyes and Sokka has to make a comment because he realizes he was attacked by "girls".
Aang tells to them they say the island is called Kyoshi and that it is named after the avatar Aang tells them he knows her because he was the Avatar. They don’t believe him and they say that he should be an air bender if he’s the Avatar. So Aang shows them his powers and they realize who he is.
The news of the avatar in town travels from person to person and news finally reaches price Zuko and his uncle Iroh. Aang and Katara are eating and the towns’ people are cleaning up the statue of Kyoshi. Aang goes off and shows of to the young women of Kyoshi, and they chase him around.
Sokka goes to the warriors and he is ask if he wants to show of some moves he tries but he is beaten by a female warrior named Suki. Sokka asks her to train him and she accepted but he has to dress up in their clothes. Katara is practicing her water bending and its back to Sokka is training and battles Suki.
Aang is with the kids and they get bored of him and leave Katara goes to Aang and he apologizes to her. Aang plays with the fish again and he is attacked by the same giant fish. Aang is knocked unconscious and Katara goes to him and saves him with her water bending skills. Zuko comes with his ship. Sokka training is complete and he tries to help fight but is told to goes.
Aang and Co. leave as the town is being set on fire and the soldiers follow. Aang jumps down from Appa and uses the Unagi that attacked him and he uses it to spray water on the town to put out the fires before he leaves and they fly away.